Thursday, December 6, 2012

My thought on battle for platform

A decade back OS (operating system) was the platform for IT companies. So Microsoft, IBM, HP, Sun all wanted to capture the OS market. Idea was- one that controls the platform will control the business app as well.
But as Linux/Open Source matured with time, control of OS became irrelevant. Now anybody could have or build an OS. Android is an example.

 I sincerely believe the new battle for platform will be for search engine/search technology. 
(I consider Google and Facebook as a new platform and more significant than OS in today's context)

In a nut shell- There is enough content already available and daily/hourly new contents getting generated;  need is to SEARCH, CO-RELATE, ANALYZE  and DELIVER the content to relevant seekers.
Please note content could be anything, even a business app, code, API, product review, hotel room, image, pet and even your life partner ;) could be content and the seeker does not necessarily need to be a human, even a system/software or business could be seeker.

The battle for new platform has already started. I could count three as of now:)
Google, Facebook and Microsoft ;)