What is a File Descriptor in Linux?
As per dictionary.com literal meaning of descriptor is an element or term that has the function of describing something specific.
In Linux Operating System a file descriptor stand for an interaction between a process and an opened file, while an open file object has information related to that interaction.
Numerous processes could simultaneously open the same file. In that scenario, the filesystem assigns a separate file descriptor to each file, along with a separate open file object.
Under Linux OS- fd indicates the file descriptor of the opened file. There is a default limit for maximum number of file descriptors that an individual process could open and in Linux it is 1024.
Kind of less :(
At times this max limit could be a bottle neck for some java apps so we use ulimit to tune it.
ulimit -aS displays the soft limit, and ulimit -aH displays the hard limit
:) Happy Tuning
As per dictionary.com literal meaning of descriptor is an element or term that has the function of describing something specific.
In Linux Operating System a file descriptor stand for an interaction between a process and an opened file, while an open file object has information related to that interaction.
Numerous processes could simultaneously open the same file. In that scenario, the filesystem assigns a separate file descriptor to each file, along with a separate open file object.
Under Linux OS- fd indicates the file descriptor of the opened file. There is a default limit for maximum number of file descriptors that an individual process could open and in Linux it is 1024.
Kind of less :(
At times this max limit could be a bottle neck for some java apps so we use ulimit to tune it.
ulimit -aS displays the soft limit, and ulimit -aH displays the hard limit
# su - httpd
# ulimit -Hn
# ulimit -Sn
Tuning Open file descriptor max limits
# echo “fs.file-max=95000″ >> /etc/sysctl.conf
# sysctl –p
# echo “* hard nofile 95000″ >> /etc/security/limits.conf
# echo “* soft nofile 1024″ >> /etc/security/limits.conf
# echo “session required /lib/security/pam_limits.so” >> /etc/pam.d/login
#ulimit -n unlimited
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